"A/an" ve "the" bazı isimlerden önce kullanılmaz. Bu durum "zero article" olarak da adlandırılır. Articles aynı zamanda bazı soyut fikirlere sahip isimlerden önce de kullanılmayabilir.
Aşağıdaki örneklere bakınız;
- Shall we go out for a dinner tonight?
- Shall we go out for dinner tonight?
- The writing skil is a valuable quality in language learning.
- Writing skill is a valuable quality in language learning.
Dil ve milliyetlerden önce de article gelmez.
- I studied the German at university for four years.
- I studied German at university for four years.
Benzer şekilde spor branşları ve derslerden önce de article gelmez.
- I like to play the football.
- I like to play football.
- I was really always good at the science when I was at high school.
- I was really good good at science when I was at high school.