İngilizce eğitimi alanında Türkiye’nin en zengin kaynağını sunan, İngilizce öğrenen ve öğreten binlerce kişiye hizmet sunuyor. Sitede Türkçe anlatımlı gramer konuları, her konudan sonra onlarca quiz ve sınav, her seviyeden aktiviteli okuma parçaları, dinleme aktiviteleri, yazma aktiviteleri, YDS, KPDS, LGS, TOEFL ve TOEIC gibi sınavlara hazırlık ve deneme sınavları, dünyanın en etkili kelime öğrenme sistemi olan wordpower ile her seviyeden kelime öğrenme programı, sınavlara hazırlananlar için sınav kelimeleri öğrenim programı, İngilizce kurslar, online eğitim ile ilgili makaleler, yurt dışı eğitim bilgileri sunuyor. Sitede ayrıca öğrenciler için İngilizce ödevler ve yardımcı kaynaklar var.


Sıfatları kullanarak eşitlik ifade etmek istediğimiz zaman ise as … as kalıbını kullanırız.

- This dictionary is as small as a booklet. (Bu sözlük bir kitapçık kadar küçüktür.)

- Old cars were as comfortable as modern cars. (Eski arabalar modern arabalar kadar konforluydu.)

► Not

 Eşit olmayan iki şeyi karşılaştırmak için de "not as … as" kalıbını kullanırız. 

It's not as cold as it was yesterday. (Hava dün kadar soğuk değil.)

You aren't studying as hard as you can. (Yapabileceğin kadar sıkı çalışmıyorsun.)

► As … as + possibility

"" alıbından sonra ihtimal belirten kelimeler kullandığımızda, "mümkün olduğunca/olabildiğince" gibi bir anlam çıkar. Aşağıdaik örneklere bakınız.  

We should leave the house as soon as possible. (Evi mümün olduğunca çabuk terketmeli.)

You have to walk as fast as you can to catch the bus. (Otobüsü yakalamak için olabildiğince hızlı yürümelisin.)

► As much as, as many as

Herhangi iki şeyi miktar olarak kıyasladığımızda, sayılamayan isimler için as much as, sayılabilenler için ise as many as kalıbı kullanılır. 

There aren't as many people as we expect at the meeting. (Toplantıda umduğumuz kadar çok insan yok.)

I can't earn as much money as you do even though I work much harder. (Daha fazla çalışsam da senin kadar fazla para kazanamam.)

More Examples

"As" yapısı birden fazla anlam için kullanılabilir. Farklı anlamları anlayabilmek için parantez içinde verilen tercüme bölüme bakılması gerekmektedir.

- He can’t dance as well as me. (Benim kadar iyi dansedemez)

- She is clever as well as (being) beautiful. (Güzel olmasının yanısırı akıllı da.)

- My hair is as long as his. (Benim saçım onun ki kadar uzun.)

- I’ll work as long as I live. (Yaşadığım sürece çalışacağım.)

- He can come as long as he is sober. (Ağırbaşlı olduğu sürece gelebilir.)

- I’ll come in as soon as five minutes. (Beş dakika gibi kısa bir zamanda geleceğim.)

- As soon as she saw him, she fainted. (Onu görür görmez bayıldı.)

- I went as far as Istanbul. (İstanbul kadar uzağa gittim)

- As far as I know, she is a vet. (Bildiğim kadarıyla o bir veteriner.)

AS .... AS


We use as + adjective/adverb + as to make comparisons when the things we are comparing are equal.

I am as clever as you.

Istanbul is as hot as London in July.


► Not

 We can use "not as … as" to make comparisons between things which aren’t equal.

It's not as cold as it was yesterday.

You aren't studying as hard as you can.


► Not quite as / Not nearly as

We can also modify "not as … as" by using "not quite as" or "not nearly as"

Our final exam was not quite as easy as the first one. (The second exam was easy but the first one was easier.)

Our new house is not nearly as big as the old one. (Our old house is much bigger than the new one.)


► As … as + possibility

We often use expressions of possibility or ability after "as … as".

We should leave the house as soon as possible.

You have to walk as fast as you can to catch the bus.


► As much as, as many as

If we want to compare things based on quantity, we use "as much as" with uncountable nouns and "as many as" with plural nouns.

There aren't as many people as we expect at the meeting.

I can't earn as much money as you do even though I work much harder.


► Referring to a large number

We can use "as much as" and "as many as" and a number to refer to a large number of something.

I can't carry this suitcase. It weighs as much as 30 kilograms.

There were as many as sixty students in a small classroom when I was at school.


► Idioms and Phrases with

There are a lot of idioms and phrases with generally used in informal English. They are really useful to make our speech or writing more colourful and more effective. Some of them are below;

as angry as hell
as bitter as gall
as black as hell
as blind as a bat
as bold as brass as
brave as a lion
as bright as a button
as busy as a bee
as calm as a millpond
as cheap as dirt
as clean as a whistle
as clear as day
as clear as mud
as close as the grave
as clumsy as an elephant
as cold as marble
as cold as steel/stone
as cool as a cucumber
as cunning as a fox
as dark as death
as dead as a dodo/doornail
as deaf as a post
as drunk as a lord
as dry as dust
as dull as ditchwater
as easy as anything/pie
as fast as a deer
as fat as a pig
as fit as a fiddle
as flat as a pancake
as fresh as a daisy
as gentle as a lamb
as good as gold
as good as new
as green as grass
as hard as nails
as harmless as a dove
as heavy as lead
as high as a kite
as hot as fire
as hungry as a wolf
as large as life
as light as a feather
as like as two peas
as mad as a hatter
as mean as a snake
as nutty as a fruitcake
as old as the hills
as pale as death
as poor as a church mouse
as poor as dirt
as pretty as a picture
as proud as a peacock
as quick as a flash
as regular as a clockwor
as right as rain
as safe as houses
as sick as a dog, parrot
as slim as a willow
as sober as a judge
as sound as a bell
as steady as a rock
as sure as hell
as thick as thieves
as thin as a stick
as tired as a dog
as tough as old boots
as ugly as sin
as warm as toast
as weak as water
as white as snow
as white as a ghost
