Action Verbs (Eylem Fiilleri)

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Action Verbs (Eylem Fiilleri)

Action verbs Türkçe'de aksiyon veya eylem fiili olarak adlandırılır. Bu fiiller bir hareket belirtir ve asıl olarak öznenin ne yaptığından haber verir. Eylem fiillerinin en önemli özelliği, sonuna -ing takısı alarak continuous zamanda kullanılabilmesidir.  


I’m having a shower now. (Şu anda duş alıyorum.)

My sister is walking along the beach. (Kız kardeşim sahil boyunca yürüyor.)

We are playing football in the garden. (Bahçede futbol oynuyoruz.)


Eylem fiilleri transitive (geçişli) ve intransitive (geçişsiz) olarak ikiye ayrılır. 

    1- Transitive Verbs (Geçişli fiiller)

Cümlede bir nesne alan veya nesnesi olan fiillere geçişli fiil denir. Başka bir tanımla, nesne alabilen, yani eylemin etkisinin başka varlıklar üzerine geçtiğini belirten fiillere geçişli fiiller denir.

Nesne, cümlede öznenin yaptığı işten etkilenen ögedir. Yükleme "ne, kim veya neyi" gibi sorular sorarak nesne bulunabilir. 

She broke the window. (Camı kırdı.)
Soru: Neyi kırdı? Cevap: Camı.

Öyleyse kırmak eyleminden etkilenen cam, nesnedir

I saw the old man. (Yaşlı adamı gördüm.)
Soru: Neyi gördüm? Cevap: Yaşlı adamı.

Öyleyse görme eyleminden etkilenen yaşlı adam, nesnedir


- I punched him. (Onu dövdüm.)

- She kissed her daughter (Kızını öptü.) 

- We love each other. (Birbirimizi severiz.)

- He saw his wife. (Karısını gördü.)


Yukarıdaki örneklerin hepsinde bir geçişli fiil ve nesne vardır. Ama eğer cümlede direkt bir nesne yoksa, geçişli fiil tam değildir.


- The child broke. (Çocuk kırdı) Eksik

- The child broke the vase. (Çocuk vazoyu kırdı.) Tam


- The judge sentenced.. (Hakim mahkum etti) Eksik

- The judge sentenced the murderer. (Hakim caniyi mahkum etti.) Tam

2- Intransitive Verbs (Geçişsiz Fiiller) 

Geçişsiz fiil de bir aksiyon fiilidir. Ama direkt bir nesnesi yoktur. Bu fiillerle kurulan cümlelerde nesne bulunmaz; eylemin etkisi yalnız özne üzerindedir. 

Aşağıdaki örneklere bakın. Hiçbirisi bir nesne almamıştır ve anlam olarak eksik değildir. 

- He died. (Öldü)

- I fell. (Düştüm)

- You smiled. (Gülümsedin)

3- Verbs That Function Both Transitive and İntransitive (Hem Geçişli hem Geçişsiz Olabilen Fiiller)

Bazı fiiller, duruma göre, geçişli de olabilir, geçişsiz de.

- She laughed. (Güldü.) Geçişsiz

- She laughed at me. (Bana güldü) Geçişli

- I understand. (Anlıyorum) Geçişsiz

- I understand her. (Onu anlıyorum.) Geçişli

An action verb expresses an activity that a person or thing can do. 

My son always eats cake in the evening.
(Eating is something my son can do.)

The dog chased us all along the way.
(Chasing is something the dog can do.)


Compare those verbs with these:

My son likes cake.
(To like is not an activity. It's a state.)

The dog is hungry.
(To be is not an activity. It's a state.)


Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Most action verbs are defined as transitive or intransitive. Though, some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive depending on their meaning.

Transitive VerbI will send you an e-mail when I get back. (The sentence has an object)
Intransitive VerbI swam for three hours yesterday. (There is no object in this sentence)

► Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs always receive a direct object,

I love my wife and I will give her a present for our anniversary. 
(My wife is the direct object of love and a present is the direct object of give.)

Michael brings Joe a new toy every time I go abroad. 
(Joe is the direct object of bring and Michael is the subject.)


Below is a list of some transitive verbs that must be followed by a direct object;

wash, finalize, annoy, lay, lend, offer, edit, make, phone, bring, send, owe, contain, buy, show, take, tell, check, get 

► Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs do not need a direct object and they are usually followed by an adjective, adverb, preposition or a verb. 

If you continue to smoke, you will lose your health.
(Continues is followed by an infinitive (to be), with no direct object.)

The bomb exploded in London and 20 people were killed.
(Exploded is followed by a preposition of place with no direct object.)


Below is a list of some intransitive verbs;

run, cough, swim, come, explode, laugh, sit, rise, continue, die, go, respond, emigrate, smile,act, cry, immigrate, lie, arrive, 

► Verbs that are both transitive and intransitive

Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive depending on their meanings.


I was very sick and my husband set the table for the guests. 
(Transitive: The table is the direct object to the verb: set.)

We were still swimming when the sun set. 
(Intransitive: Set doesn’t have a direct object.)


Below is a list of several verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive.

Verb Transitive Intransitive
move Could you move your desk please? The leaves were moving with the wind.
start Terrorists started the fire in the city. The movie starts at 3 p.m.
change Mary's new position hasn’t changed her. Istanbul changed greatly in the last 10 years.
close Close the curtains.  The museum closes at 7 p.m.
open Open the door, please.  The shops opens at 9 a.m. in New York.
stop The policeman stopped the thief. The cat stopped in the middle of street. 
do Have you done your homework? The new manager is doing well in his job.
run We run a small shop in the city center. The path ran over the hill.
live Elephants live for 90 years. He was living a life of luxury abroad.
wash Have you washed your hands? washed, dressed, and went out.
write Write your name here. My grandfather couldn’t read or write.

