Relative Clauses (Who/Whom/Whose/Which)

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Relative Clauses (Who/Whom/Whose/Which)

Relative Clause cümlelerinde who, whom, whose, and which bağlaçları bir kişi veya şey hakkında ilave bilgi verirken kullanılır.

Aşağıda bu bağlaçların kullanımıyla ilgili açıklamalar ve örnekler verilmektedir. 

► As subject (Özne olarak)

- My wife, who was born in İstanbul, lived most of his life in London. (İstanbul'da doğan eşim hayatının büyük bölümünü Londra'da yaşadı.)

- I am reading Farewell to Arms, which is one of the most popular books written by Hemingway. (Hemingway tarafından yazılan en iyi kitaplardan biri olan Silahlara Veda kitabını okuyorum.)



Relative pronoun cümleciğin öznesi olduğunda, özneyi tekrar yazmayız. 

- My wife, who (she) was born in İstanbul, lived most of his life in London.

- I am reading Farewell to Arms, which (it) is one of the most popular books written by Hemingway.

► As object (Nesne olarak)

- We had a dinner in a Chinese restaurant, which we really enjoyed. (Akşam yemeğini çok eğlendiğimiz bir Çin restoranında yedik.)

- My favourite actor is Tom Cruise, who I saw in “Fallout”. (En beğendiğim aktör, Fallout filminde seyrettiğim Tom Cruise'dur.)

Nesne yerine aynı zamanda whom bağlacı da kullanılabilir. Anlam değişmez. 

- My favourite actor is Tom Cruise, whom I saw in “Fallout”.


Relative pronoun nesne olduğu zaman, bu kez nesne tekrarlanmaz. 

- We had a dinner in a Chinese restaurant, which we really enjoyed (it).
- My favourite pop star is Tom Cruise, who I saw (him) in “Fallout”.

► As object of a clause (Cümleciğin nesnesi olarak)

- I finally met Tom Cruise, whom I had always admired. (Her zaman hayranlık duyduğum Tom Cruise ile nihayet tanıştım.)

We are staying in Hilton Hotel, which we first stayed when we got married in 1980. (İlk olarak 1980 yılında evlendiğimizde kaldığımız Hilton Otelinde kalıyoruz.)


Who aynı zamanda bu cümlenin öznesi olarak da kullanılabilir. 

I finally met Tom Cruise, who I had always admired.


Relative pronoun cümleciğin nesnesi olduğunda, nesne tekrarlanmaz. 

- He finally met Tom Cruise, whom he had always admired (him).

- We are going to Madame Tussaud, which we first visited (it) when we got married in 1980.

► As object of a preposition (Preposition nesnesi olarak)

- John decided to learn more about the accident, who he had read about in the newspaper. (John daha önce gazetede okuduğu kaza haberi hakkında daha çok şey öğrenmeye karar verdi.)

Bu cülmede "who" yerine "whom" da kullanılabilir. 

John decided to learn more about the accident, whom he had read about in the newspaper.

- That’s the show which we watched on TV last night. (Bu, dün gece televizyonda seyrettiğimiz program.)

► Preposition bazen "whom" veya "which" in önüne gelebilir. 

John decided to learn more about the accident, about whom he had read in the newspaper.

► Relative Clause cümlelerinde "whose" bağlacını iyelik bağlacı olarak kullanabiliriz. 

- The woman who was wounded was carying. (Yaralanan bayan ağlıyordu.)
- The woman whose husband was wounded was carying. (Eşi yaralanan bayan ağlıyordu.)

Not: Mutlaka ama mutlaka “whose”dan önce ve sonra bir isim olmalıdır. Sonrasında bir zamir veya başka bir kelime gelemez. Sonrasında gelen ismin önünde kesinlikle “the” artikeli olamaz. Bu özellik posessive'likten kaynaklanmaktadır.

- I bought a car whose engine was out of order. (Motoru bozuk olan bir araba aldım.)

- The houses whose roofs were shaking in the storm collapsed. (Çatıları fırtınada sallanan evler yıkıldı.)

- Our manager,whose son studies in the USA will go there next month. (Oğlu USA'da okuyan müdürümüz önümüzdeki ay oraya gidecek.)

I always forget that man's name. (Şu adamın adını hep unutuyorum.)
That’s the man whose name I always forget. (Şu adam hep adını unuttuğum adam.)

I met a man. His brother works in London. (Bir adamla tanıştım. Kardeşi Londra'da çalışıyor.)
I met a man whose brother works in London. (Kardeşi Londra'da çalışan bir adamla tanıştım.)

► Quantifiers and numbers with relative pronouns (Adetler ve miktarlar) onu, onların anlamında da çevrilebilirler.”Of whom” canlılar için; “of which” cansızlar için kullanılır. bu iki ilgi zamiri bir grup isminde bazılarını tanımlarken kullanılır. 

many of whom - most of whom - one of which - none of whom - some of which - lots of whom - two of which - etc.

Aşağıdaki örneğe bakın;

- I have four sons who are students. (Öğrenci olan dört oğlum var.)

Bu cümlede sıfat cümleciği (öğrenci olan) çocukların hepsini niteler. Peki bu dört cocuğun hepsi değilde, ikisi veya üçü öğrenci olsa cümlemizi nasıl söyleyeceğiz? İşte burada “of whom" ve "of which” devreye girer.

Eğer ikisi öğrenci olan dört cocuk var ise cümle şöyle kurulur:

- I have four sons, two of whom are students. (İkisi öğrenci olan dört oğlum var.)

Virgüle ve gruptan belirtilmek istenen sayının ilgi zamirinden önce geldiğine dikkat ediniz. Bu kullanımda artık sıfat cümleciği dört cocuğu değil; ilgi zamirinden önce gelen ve çocuklardan ikisini belirten “two”yu niteler.

- He had many houses which were in Ankara. (Onun Ankara'da olan bir çok evi vardır.)
- He had many houses, some of which were in Ankara. (Onun, bazıları Ankara'da olan bir çok evi vardır.)

- My friend has three cars, on of which is a foreign mark. (Arkadaşımın biri yabancı marka olan üç arabası vardır.)

- I have three friends, for one of whom I bought a present. (Birisi için hediye aldığım üç arkadaşım vardır.)

- I have got a hundred students, fourty of whom are married. (Kırkı evli olan yüz öğrencim vardı.)

She has three sisters, two of whom live in Singapure. (Üç tanesi Singapur'da aşayan üç kız kardeşi vardır.)

There were some good shows on TV, none of which I watched. (Televizyonda hiç birisini seyretmediğim güzel programlar vardı.) 

We use who, whom, whose, and which (but not that) in relative clauses to give additional information about a person or thing.


- As subject

My wife, who was born in İstanbul, lived most of his life in London.
I am reading Farewell to Arms, which is one of the most popular books written by Hemingway.



When the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause, we do not repeat the subject:

My wife, who (she) was born in İstanbul, lived most of his life in London.
I am reading Farewell to Arms, which (it) is one of the most popular books written by Hemingway.


- As object 

We had a dinner in a Chinese restaurant, which we really enjoyed.
My favourite pop star is Tom Cruise, who I saw in “Fallout”.


We can also use whom instead of who as object:

My favourite pop star is Tom Cruise, whom I saw in “Fallout”.



When the relative pronoun is the object of the clause, we do not repeat the object:

We had a dinner in a Chinese restaurant, which we really enjoyed (it).
My favourite actor is Tom Cruise, who I saw (him) in “Fallout”.


- As object of a clause

I finally met Tom Cruise, whom I had always admired.
We are staying in Hilton Hotel, which we first stayed when we got married in 1980.


Who can also be used as the object in this sentence.

I finally met Tom Cruise, who I had always admired.



When the relative pronoun is the object of the clause, we do not repeat the object:

I finally met Tom Cruise, whom I had always admired (him). 
We are going to Madame Tussaud, which we first visited when we got married in 1980.

He finally met Paul McCartney, whom he had always admired (him).
We are going to Madame Tussaud, which we first visited (it) when we got married in 1980.


As object of a preposition

John decided to learn more about the accitent, who he had read about in the newspaper.

That’s the show which we watched on TV last night.


- Whom can also be used instead of who in this sentence;

John decided to learn more about the accident, whom he had read about in the newspaper.


- The preposition sometimes comes in front of the relative pronoun whom or which:

John decided to learn more about the accident, about whom he had read in the newspaper.


- We can use the possessive form, whose, in a relative clause:

I always forget that man's name.
That’s the man whose name I always forget.

I met a man. His brother works in London.
I met a man whose brother works in London.


Quantifiers and numbers with relative pronouns

We can use quantifiers and numbers with relative pronouns as subjct, object or object of a preposition. 

many of whom - most of whom - one of which - none of whom - some of which - lots of whom - two of which - etc.


She has three sisters, two of whom live in Singapure.

I watched four movies last week, one of which I really enjoyed.

There were some good shows on TV, none of which I watched.
