Bu yapılarda nesne, phrasal verbs ‘den sonra gelebilir, veya cümleyi iki kısma ayırabilir. · You have to do this paint job over. (Bu boyamayı tekrar yapman gerekir.) · You have to do over this paint job. Aşağıdaki Phrasal verbs’lerin nesnesi zamir olduğunda, bu iki kısmın ayrılması gerekir |
blow up |
Patlamak, havaya uçurmak |
The terrorists tried to blow up the railroad station. |
bring up |
Bir konudan bahsetmek |
My mother brought up that little matter of my prison record again. |
bring up |
Çocuk yetiştirmek. |
It isn’t easy to bring up children nowadays. |
call off |
İptal etmek |
They called off this afternoon’s meeting |
do over |
Bir işi tekrar etmek |
Do this homework over. |
fill out |
Bir formu doldurmak |
Fill out this application form and mail it in. |
fill up |
Tamamen-ağzına kadar doldurmak |
She filled up the grocery cart with free food. |
find out |
öğrenmek |
My sister found out that her husband had been planning a surprise party for her. |
give away |
Birisine bir şeyi bedava vermek |
The filling station was giving away free gas. |
give back |
Bir şeyi geri vermek |
My brother borrowed my car. I have a feeling he’s not about to give it back. |
hand in |
Bir şeyi onaylamak (ödev yapmak) |
The students handed in their papers and left the room. |
hang up |
Telefonu kapatmak |
She hung up the phone before she hung up her clothes. |
hold up |
Geciktirmek |
I hate to hold up the meeting, but I have to go to the bathroom. |
hold up (2) |
soymak |
Three masked gunmen held up the Security Bank this afternoon. |
leave out |
Atlamak, çıkarmak, savsaklamak |
You left out the part about the police chase down. |
look over |
incelemek, kontrol etmek |
The lawyers looked over the papers carefully before questioning the witness. (Theylooked them over carefully.) |
look up |
Bir listenin içinde aramak |
You’ve misspelled this word again. You’d better look it up. |
make up |
Bir hikaye veya yalan uydurmak |
She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story about going to the movies with her friends. |
make out |
Duymak, algılamak |
He was so far away, we really couldn’t make out what he was saying. |
pick out |
Seçmek |
There were three men in the line-up. Shepicked out the guy she thought had stolen her purse. |
pick up |
Bir şeyi kaldırmak |
The crane picked up the entire house. (Watch them pick it up.) |
point out |
Dikkat çekmek, belirtmek |
As we drove through Paris, Francoisepointed out the major historical sites. |
put away |
Saklamak |
We put away money for our retirement. Sheput away the cereal boxes. |
put off |
Ertelemek |
We asked the boss to put off the meeting until tomorrow. (Please put it off for another day.) |
put on |
Giyinmek |
I put on a sweater and a jacket. |
put out |
Söndürmek |
The firefighters put out the house fire before it could spread. |
read over |
Dikkatli okumak |
I read over the homework, but couldn’t make any sense of it. |
set up |
Düzenlemek, kurmak |
My wife set up the living room exactly the way she wanted it. She set it up. |
take down |
Not etmek |
These are your instructions. Write themdown before you forget. |
take off |
Kıyafet çıkarmak |
It was so hot that I had to take off my shirt. |
talk over |
tartışmak |
We have serious problems here. Let’s talkthem over like adults. |
throw away |
atmak |
That’s a lot of money! Don’t just throw itaway. |
try on |
Kıyafet denemek |
She tried on fifteen dresses before she found one she liked. |
try out |
denemek |
I tried out four cars before I could find one that pleased me. |
turn down |
Bir şeyin sesini kısmak |
Your radio is driving me crazy! Please turn itdown. |
turn down (2) |
Reddetmek, geri çevirmek |
He applied for a promotion twice this year, but he was turned down both times. |
turn up |
Bir şeyin sesini yükseltmek |
Grandpa couldn’t hear, so he turned up his hearing aid. |
turn off |
Elektriği kapamak |
We turned off the lights before anyone could see us. |
turn off (2) |
Mide bulandırmak, tiksindirmek |
It was a disgusting movie. It really turnedme off. |
turn on |
Elektriği açmak |
Turn on the CD player so we can dance. |
use up |
boşaltmak |
The gang members used up all the money and went out to rob some more banks. |
Aşağıdaki phrasal verbs ‘ler ile asıl eylem cümlede birlikte yer aldığı edatlardan (veya diğer kısımlardan) ayrılamaz - ”Who will look after my estate when I’m gone. (Ben yokken evime kim bakacak?) - Who will look my estate after when I'm gone, (Bu cümle yanlıştır. Çünkü look after ayrılamaz.) |
call on |
Ezbere okumak |
The teacher called on students in the back row. |
call on (2) |
Ziyaret etmek |
The old minister continued to call on his sick parishioners. |
get over |
Bir hastalığı atlatmak veya bir hayal kırıklığının üstesinden gelmek |
I got over the flu, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get over my broken heart. |
go over |
Yeniden incelemek, gözden geçirmek |
The students went over the material before the exam. They should have gone over it twice. |
go through |
tüketmek |
They country went through most of its coal reserves in one year. Did hego through all his money already? |
look after |
İlgilenmek, bakmak |
My mother promised to look aftermy dog while I was gone. |
look into |
Araştırmak, incelemek |
The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement. |
run across |
rastlamak |
I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion. |
run into |
Karşılaşmak, rast gelmek |
Carlos ran into his English professor in the hallway. |
take after |
benzemek |
My second son seems to take afterhis mother. |
wait on |
Servis yapmak |
It seemed strange to see my old boss wait on tables. |
Aşağıdaki phrasal verbs‘ler nesne almazlar. - Once you leave home, you can never really go back again.” “Evden bir kez ayrılırsan, bir daha asla geri dönemezsin.” |
break down |
bozulmak |
That old Jeep had a tendency to break down just when I needed it the most. |
catch on |
tutmak |
Popular songs seem to catch on in California first and then spread eastward. |
come back |
Geri dönmek |
Father promised that we would never come back to this horrible place. |
come in |
girmek |
They tried to come in through the back door, but it was locked. |
come to |
Şuuru yerine gelmek |
He was hit on the head very hard, but after several minutes, he started to come to again. |
come over |
Ziyaret etmek |
The children promised to come over, but they never do. |
drop by |
Habersiz ziyaret etmek |
We used to just drop by, but they were never home, so we stopped doing that. |
eat out |
Yemek için dışarıya çıkmak |
When we visited Paris, we loved eating outin the sidewalk cafes. |
get by |
Hayatını sürdürmek |
Uncle Heine didn’t have much money, but he always seemed to get by without borrowing money from relatives. |
get up |
kalkmak |
Grandmother tried to get up, but the couch was too low, and she couldn’t make it on her own. |
go back |
Geri dönmek |
It’s hard to imagine that we will ever go back to Lithuania. |
go on |
Devam etmek |
He would finish one Dickens novel and then just go on to the next. |
go on (2) |
Olmak, meydana gelmek |
The cops heard all the noise and stopped to see what was going on. |
grow up |
büyümek |
Charles grew up to be a lot like his father. |
keep away |
Uzak durmak |
The judge warned the stalker to keep awayfrom his victim’s home. |
keep on (with gerund) |
Devam etmek |
He tried to keep on singing long after his voice was ruined |
pass out |
bayılmak |
He had drunk too much; he passed out on the sidewalk outside the bar. |
show off |
Gösteriş yapmak |
Whenever he sat down at the piano, we knew he was going to show off. |
show up |
Varmak, ortaya çıkmak |
Day after day, Efrain showed up for class twenty minutes late. |
wake up |
Uyanmak |
I woke up when the rooster crowed. |
Aşağıda yer alan phrasal verbs‘lerde üç kısım vardır, yani üç farklı kelimeden oluşmaktadır. - My brother dropped out of school before he could graduate. (Erkek kardeşim mezun olamadan okulu bıraktı) |
break in on |
Bir sohbeti bölmek |
I was talking to Mom on the phone when the operator broke in on our call. |
catch up with |
Yakın olmak |
After our month-long trip, it was time tocatch up with the neighbors and the news around town. |
check up on |
İncelemek, kontrol etmek |
The boys promised to check up on the condition of the summer house from time to time. |
come up with |
Bağışta bulunmak |
After years of giving nothing, the old parishioner was able to come up with a thousand-dollar donation. |
cut down on |
Kesmek, azaltmak |
We tried to cut down on the money we were spending on entertainment. |
drop out of |
Sınıfta kalmak |
I hope none of my students drop out ofschool this semester. |
get along with |
İyi anlaşmak |
I found it very hard to get along with my brother when we were young. |
get away with |
Bir işten sıyrılmak |
Janik cheated on the exam and then tried to get away with it. |
get rid of |
kurtulmak |
The citizens tried to get rid of their corrupt mayor in the recent election. |
get through with |
bitirmek |
When will you ever get through with that program? |
keep up with |
Geri kalmamak |
It’s hard to keep up with the Joneses when you lose your job! |
look forward to |
Dört gözle beklemek |
I always look forward to the beginning of a new semester. |
look down on |
Hor görmek, küçümsemek |
It’s typical of a jingoistic country that the citizens look down on their geographical neighbors. |
look in on |
Birini ziyaret etmek |
We were going to look in on my brother-in-law, but he wasn’t home. |
look out for |
Önce davranmak, tahmin etmek |
Good instructors will look out for early signs of failure in their students |
look up to |
Saygı göstermek |
First-graders really look up to their teachers. |
make sure of |
Doğrulamak, emin olmak |
Make sure of the student’s identity before you let him into the classroom. |
put up with |
Hoşgörü göstermek |
The teacher had to put up with a great deal of nonsense from the new students. |
run out of |
tükenmek |
The runners ran out of energy before the end of the race. |
take care of |
İlgilenmek, sorumlu olmak |
My oldest sister took care of us younger children after Mom died. |
talk back to |
Kaba bir şekilde cevap vermek |
The star player talked back to the coach and was thrown off the team. |
think back on |
Yad etmek, anmak |
I often think back on my childhood with great pleasure. |
walk out on |
Terk etmek, başından atmak |
Her husband walked out on her and their three children. |