Mixed Conditional

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Mixed Conditional

Conditional (şartlı) cümlelerde cümlenin iki tarafında farklı zamanların olması mümkündür. Yani bazen cümlenin bir kısmı type 3 diğer kısmı type 2 de olabilir. Bu cümlenini anlamına bağlıdır.

- If you had invited him, he would be here now. (Eğer onu davet etseydin o şimdi burada olurdu.)
         (Type 3)                          (Type 2)

Burada davet etme(me) işi geçmişte olduğu için type 3 yani past perfect kullanılmış, ana cümlede ise şu andan bahsedildiği için type 2 yani would do kullanımıştır.

- If you hadn't eaten those sour plums, you wouldn't be ill now. (O ekşi erikleri yemeseydin, şimdi hasta olmazdın.)
               (Type 3)                                            (Type 2)

Type 1, Type 2 ve Type 3 dışında kendine göre farklı kuralları olan bu durum aşağıda biraz daha detaylı olarak açıklanmaktadır.  

► Geçmiş bir durumun şimdiki sonucu

Bu tip cümlelerde, if clause cümlesi past perfect, diğer kısım da present conditional olur. 

If + past perfect present conditional
If I had worked harder I would find a better job now.

► Cümlenin sıralanması

Tüm şartlı (conditional) cümlelerde olduğu gibi cümlelerin sıralanması sabit değildir ve değişiklik yapıldığında anlam kaybı olmaz. 

- If we had known the way, we wouldn't be lost. (Yolu biliyor olsaydık kaybolmazdık.)

- We wouldn't be lost if we had known the way. (Yolu biliyor olsaydık kaybolmazdık.)

► Geçmişte hayali durum, bugün muhtemel sonuç

Geçmişle ilgili söylenmiş gerçek olmayan, gerçekleşmemiş veya hayali bir durumun, bugüne etkisiyle ilgili konuşuren Mixed Conditional kullanılır. If cümlesinde past perfect ve diğer cümlede would gelir. 

- If I had studied hard I would graduate from university. (Eğer çok çalışsaydım, üniversiten mezun olurdum.)
(Ama çalışmadım ve mezun do olmadım)

- I would be very successful now if I had worked hard. (Eğer çok çalışsaydım, şimdi başarılı olurdum.)
(Ama çalışmadım ve başarılı da değilim)

► Modal Kullanımı

Bazen would yerine can, should veya might gibi modal verb'ler de kullanılabilir.

- I could be very rich now if I had run my own business. (Kendi işimi yapsaydım şimdi çok zengin olabilirdim.)

- If I had learned English, I might be a very successful businessman now. (İngilizce öğrenseydim, şimdi başarılı bir işadamı olabilirdim.)

It is possible for the two parts of a conditional sentence to refer to different times. Those sentences are called "mixed conditional" sentencem. There are two types of mixed conditional sentence.




In this type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the past perfect, and the tense in the main clause is the present conditional.

If + past perfect present conditional
If I had worked harder I would find a better job now.


► Order of Mixed Adjectives

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the meaning is identical.


If we had known the way, we wouldn't be lost.

We wouldn't be lost if we had known the way.




► Unreal past condition and probable result in the present

This type of mixed conditional expresses a situation which is contrary to reality both in the past and in the present. The time is the past in the "if" clause and in the present in the main clause.


If I had studied hard I would graduate from university. (but I didn't study and now I am not a graduate)

I would be very successful now if I had worked hard. (but I didn't work hard and I'm not successful)


► Using Modals

We can also use modals in the main clause instead of would to express the degree of certainty, permission, or a recommendation.


I could be very rich now if I had run my own business.

If I had learned English, I might be a very successful businessman now.







In this second type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the simple past, and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional.


If + simple past perfect conditional
If I worked harder I would have found a better job.


► Order of Mixed Adjectives

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the meaning is identical.


If I wasn't afraid of the dark, I would have slept in that dark room alone.

I would have slept in that dark room alone if I wasn't afraid of the dark.




► Unreal present situation and probable past result 

In these sentences, the time in the if clause is now or always and the time in the main clause is before now.


If she wasn't afraid of flying she wouldn't have travelled by car. (She is afraid of flying so she travelled by car.)

I'd have been able to translate your speech if my English was better. (My English is not good so I didn't translate your speech.)

