Word Order in Adverbs (Zarflarda Sıralama)

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Word Order in Adverbs (Zarflarda Sıralama)

Zarflar cümlede üç pozisyonda bulunurlar. Başta, ortada ve sonda.  


Cümle başında bulunan zarflar


► Bazı zarflar cümlenin başında bulunur ve anlamı önceki cümleye bağlar. 

First, I'd like to introduce myself. Secondly, I will talk about my background. (Önce kendimi tanıtayım. Sonra geçmişimden bahsederim.)

Almost all smokers are planning to give up smoking. However, just a few of them can do that. (Hemen hemen bütün tiryakiler sigarayı bırakmayı planlar. Ama sadece birkaç tanesi bunu başarabilir.)

► Zaman ve sıklık zarfları da cümlenin başında gelir. 

Sometimes, I feel so lonely. (Bazen kendimi çok yalnız hissediyorum.)

Afterwards, we left the school and had lunch in a nearby restaurant. (Sonra okuldan çıktık ve yakındaki bir lokantaya gittik.)

 Zaman zarfları da cümle başında bulunrlar. 

Here is your ticket! (İşte biletin)

There comes my train! (Bak, benim tren geliyor.)

► Cümlenin geri kalan kısmı hakkında yorumda bulunan zarflar da cümle başında bulunurlar. 

Luckily, the police came after a few minutes and rescued the man. (Allahtan polis birkaç dakika sonra geldi ve adamı kurtardı.)

Clearly, we need somebody to do research. (Net bir şekilde araştırmayı yapacak birisine ihtiyacımız var.)  

Cümlenin Ortasında Gelen Zarflar


► Sıklık zarfları cümlenin ortasında gelirler. 

Jane never gets up late, even on Sundays. (Jane pazar günleri bile, asla erken kalkmaz.)

We rarely leave the office before 6 PM. (Nadiren ofisten altıdan önce çıkarız.)

► Durum zarfları da cümlenin ortasında gelir. 

The police slowly opened the door and saw the dead body lying. (Polis yavaşça kapıyı açtı ve yerde yatan cesedi gördü.)

Kids carefully examined the frog in the classroom. (Çocuklar sınıfta dikkatli bir şekilde kurbağayı incelediler.) 

► Bir fiili, sıfatı veya başka bir zarfın derecesini artıran veya zayıftalan zarflar da cümle ortasında gelir. 

I nearly fell asleep while watching the movie. (Filmi seyrederken neredeyse uyuyakalıyordum.)

That restaurant is very expensive. (Bu lokanta çok pahalı.)

►Cümlenin geri kalan kısmını yorumlayan zarflar da cümle ortasında gelir. 

When I saw that guy, frankly, I couldn't believe he was your husband. (O çocuğu gördüğümde, açık söylemek gerekirse senin kocan olduğuna inanamadım.)

I walked into the room, suddenly a cat jumped out of the bed. (Odaya girdim ve aniden yataktan bir kedi zıpladı.)

Cümlenin Sonunda Gelen Zarflar


► Hal zarfları cümlenin sonunda gelir. 

Kids picked up the papers and walked away slowly. (Çocuklar kağıtları kaldırıp yavaşça uzaklaştılar.)

He approached and asked my name gently. (Bana yaklaşıp nazik bir şekilde adımı sordu.)

► Zaman ve sıklık zarfları da cümle sonunda kullanılır. 

My relatives flew back to Germany yesterday. (Akrabalarım dün Almanya'ya döndüler.)

I visit my cousin living in Paris twice a year. (Paris'te yaşayan kuzenimi yılda iki kez ziyaret ederim.)

► Yer zarfları cümle sonunda gelir. 

Can you see the blond lady standing over there? (İleride ayakta dikilen sarışın kadını görebiliyor musun?)

If you need to know why you should put on your coat, you can look outside.  (Eğer neden paltonu giymek zorunda olduğunu öğrenmek istiyorsan, dışarıya bakabilirsin.)



► Zarflar asla fiille nesne arasına gelmezler.  

I carefully painted the room. (Doğru)
I painted the room carefully. (Doğru)
I painted carefully the room. (Yanlış)

Old people sometimes prefer to be alone. (Doğru)
Sometimes old people prefer to be alone. (Doğru)
Old people prefer to be sometimes alone. (Yanlış)



Adverbs can be used in three positions in a sentence or clause; "front", "mid" and "end". 




► Adverbs begin a sentence or clause and linked in meaning to another

First, I'd like to introduce myself. Secondly, I will talk about my background.

Almost all smokers are planning to give up smoking. However, just a few of them can do that.


► Adverbs refer to time or frequency

Sometimes, I feel so lonely.

Afterwards, we left the school and had lunch in a nearby restaurant.


 Adverbs refer to place

Here is your ticket!

There goes my train!


► Adverbs that comment on the rest of the sentence or clause

Luckily, the police came after a few minutes and rescued the man.

Clearly, we need somebody to do research in the lab. 




► Adverbs refer to frequency

Jane never gets up late, even on Sundays.

We rarely leave the office before 6 PM. 


► Adverbs refer to manner

The police slowly opened the police and saw the dead body lying.

Kids carefully examined the frog in the classroom.


► Adverbs that make a verb, adjective or another adverb stronger or weaker

I nearly fell asleep while watching the movie. It was really boring. 

That restaurant is very expensive.


► Adverbs comment on the rest of the sentence

When I saw that guy, frankly, I couldn't believe he was your boyfriend.

I walked into the room, suddenly a cat jumped out of the bed. 


► Adverbs that focus on part of a sentence

I’m only going to stay in London for two days.

I can't just give up smoking. 




► Adverbs refer to manner

Kids picked up the papers and walked away slowly.

He approached and asked my name gently.


► Adverbs refer to time or frequency

My relatives flew back to Germany yesterday.

I visit my cousin living in Paris twice a year. 


► Adverbs refer to place

Can you see the blond lady standing over there?

If you need to know why you should put on your coat, you can look outside. 




► Adverbs are generally put between the subject and the verb.

Sorry, but I completely forgot your name. 

Jane never helps her parents with the housework. 




► Adverbs can also be placed between the auxiliary verb and the main verb.

We had quickly finished our meal and left. 

The flights were suddenly canceled due to the heavy rain. 



► An adverb never comes between a verb and its object. 

I carefully painted the room. (Right)
I painted the room carefully. (Right)
I painted carefully the room. (Wrong)


Old people sometimes prefer to be alone. (Right)
Sometimes old people prefer to be alone. (Right)
Old people prefer to be sometimes alone. (Wrong)
