Cloze Test 7

1. 172.

2. 173.

3. 174.

4. 175.

5. 167.

6. 168.

7. 169.

8. 170.

9. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. Many architects saw a building as a total work of art. They argued that the architect should design everything in a building, and this (171)___ not just fittings but also furniture. (172)___, many modern architects made striking furniture designs for use in their buildings, and these items also became (173)___widely used. Mies’s metal-and-leather Barcelona Chair, (174)___ made for the German Pavilion at the Barcelona Exposition and then widely copied, is the most famous example. Gerrit Rietveld’s Red-Blue Chair, a structure of planes and lines like a three-dimensional Mondrian painting, symbolizes De Stijl (175)___ many people. 171.

10. 165.

11. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. Mercantilism has been advocated (166)— some eminent politicians and economists, including Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List. In the 1840s, Friedrich List developed a theory of productive power" which stressed thatthe ability to produce is (167)— importantthan the result of producing. In other words, the prosperity of a state (168)— not primarily on its store of ealth, but on the extent to which it has developed its "powers of production". A nation capable of developing its power to manufacture, (169)— it makes use of its system of production, thus (170)— quite in the same spirit as the landed proprietor who, by the sacrifice of some material wealth, allows some of his children to learn a production trade. 166.

12. 164.

13. 163.

14. 162.

15. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. A generation ago, few parents would have thought that teaching their baby to read was a possibility. But over the past decade or so, many parents have become convinced that they (161)—their children for a life-time of success by tutoring them (162)—- infancy in reading, math, computer skills, and the like. Books and articles offering advice on such matters as teaching babies to read, and even getting them to pass entrance exams for exclusive preschools have proliferated. Do parents who follow all this advice (163)—- a smarter child? (164)— some educators think so, many are doubtful. For example, there is no evidence that a child who learns to read unusually early goes on to experience more success than children who learn to read at a (165)— normal age. 161.

16. 160.

17. 159.

18. 158.

19. 157.

20. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. (156) ___ all the political ideologies of the early nineteenth century, nationalism is the most difficult to grasp. Its (157) ___ are elusive. What, exactly, counted as a nation? Who demanded a nation, and what did their demand mean? In the early nineteenth century, nationalism was usually aligned with liberalism. (158) ___ the century progressed, (159) ___ , it became increasingly clear that nationalism (160) ___ to fit any doctrine. 156.

21. 155.

22. 154.

23. 152.

24. 153.

25. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. We must not (151) ___ the element of pleasure and enjoyment which comes from the reading of literature. This is surely itself one of the great benefits which (152) ___ from being an educated person. But, over and above that, let us recognize (153) ___ certain other fundamental skills and capacities are developed (154) ___ the reading of literature, which are important to us all as educated people, (155) ___ in our private pleasures or our personal philosophies, but also in the day-to-day exercise of our responsibilities. 151.