Cloze Test 5

1. 124.

2. 125.

3. 123.

4. 120.

5. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. Eritrea was part of the first Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum (121) _____ its decline in the 8th century. It came under the control of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, and (122) _____ of the Egyptians. The Italians (123) _____ the coastal areas in 1885, and the Treaty of Uccialli, signed on 2nd May 1889, gave Italy (124) ______ over part of Eritrea. The Italians ruled the colony until World War II. It was made an Ethiopian province in 1962, but a civil war (125) _____ against the Ethiopian government led by rebel groups who opposed the union and wanted independence for Eritrea. 121.

6. 122.

7. 119.

8. 118.

9. 115.

10. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. The gondola has been a part of Venice since the 11th century. (116) _____ its slim shape and flat underside, the boat is perfectly adapted to manoeuvring in Venice’s narrow, shallow canals. The front of the boat has a (117) _____ leftward curve to prevent it from going around in circles, as the gondolier, or operator of the boat, uses the oar only on the right side. In 1562, it (118) _____ that all gondolas should be black to stop people from making an (119) _____ show of their wealth. Today, gondola rides are expensive, and are (120) _____ taken only by tourists. 116.

11. 117.

12. 114.

13. 113.

14. 112.

15. 110.

16. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. Nearly fifteen years after South Africa’s democratic overthrow of apartheid, the country is facing growing (111) _____ over the rise of “economic apartheid” and the way it (112) _____ millions of South Africans in the same, if not a worsening economic position than they endured prior to 1994. (113) _____ South African government statistics, the average black household has become 15% poorer over the last fourteen years, while an average white household has seen its wealth grow (114) _____ some 19%. There has been a 20% decrease in the income of the poorest 50% of South Africans, and black South Africans have lost (115) _____ two million jobs over the same period. 111.

17. 109.

18. 108.

19. 107.

20. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. The Pergamum of Eumenes II is remembered (106) ____ for its library. Said to have held more than 200,000 volumes, the library was a symbol of Pergamum’s social and cultural status. Eumenes was a passionate book collector, and his library came to challenge the world’s greatest one in Alexandria (700,000 books). Afraid that the Pergamum library (107) _____ famous scholars away from Alexandria, the Egyptians cut off the supply of papyrus from the Nile. Never one to refuse a challenge, Eumenes set his scientists to work and they (108) _____ pergamen (Latin for parchment), a writing surface made from animal hides rather than pressed papyrus reeds. (109) _____ the end, however, it was the Egyptians who had the last laugh. (110) _____ the library at Alexandria was damaged by fire, Mark Antony pillaged the one at Pergamum for books to give to his beloved Cleopatra. 106.

21. 105.

22. 104.

23. 102.

24. 103.

25. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre cevaplandırınız. However hazy their grasp of astronomy may be, most adults hold several beliefs with some certainty. They believe, for example, that the Earth is round and that it revolves around another, larger round body (the Sun), (101) _____ a smaller round body (the Moon) revolves around it. They also believe (102) _____ certain familiar phenomena, such as the day-night cycle and the seasons, depend on the movements and relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. But how do adults come to form such beliefs? The facts of astronomy are hardly evident in everyday experience; if anything, the reverse (103) _____ to be true. Children experience an apparently flat earth from which they see the Sun move (104) _____ the sky, and they learn things that seem incompatible with the notion that people could somehow live on the surface of a large ball. Is the development of adult-level understanding, therefore, simply a matter of suppressing childish beliefs and gradually (1055) _____ the views of modern adult society? 101.