Verbs 4

1. Diplomatic relations between the two countries, which were ____ during the war, have not yet been restored.

2. The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, in May 1978 was ____ by everyone as an act of barbarism.

3. I am not _____ that his proposal actually will lead to an improvement in the situation.

4. It is a society that is _____ to waging war on all forms of environmental pollution.

5. In an aircraft the cabin lights are dimmed during takeoff and landing to help passengers to ----- themselves to darkness in the event of an emergency.

6. The League of Nations, established in Geneva in 1920, included representatives from states throughout the world, but was severely weakened by the US decision not to become a member, and had no power to ---- its decisions.

7. Certain nations have ---- the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques to select the sex of an unborn child; but, bribery and human ingenuity have made it easy for prospective parents to bypass the statute.

8. Music educators give us many good reasons for playing. It is said to feed our intelligence and (16) ---- our self-esteem.

9. Soccer’s many creative possibilities ---- in part from its being played on such a large field.

10. Bacteria have a remarkable capacity for _____ tolerance to previously lethal drugs.