Relative Clause 5

1. For 65 years, the hermit Anthony lived in a cave .......... cut into a narrow ledge on the Al Galua mountain in Egypt.

2. Sidney this autumn, .......... the Olympic games took place, was host to approximately two million visitors.

3. I dont think Ill be going out much next month as the tires, .......... are quite expensive, need replacing on my car.

4. The new batsman, ......... everybody believes will strengthen the team, played superbly in yesterdays match.

5. The little bay, .......... a small boat brings provisions daily in fine weather, cannot be reached by road.

6. Fewer chicks survive in years .......... lemmings, ......... make up the diet of the snowy owl, are sparse.

7. Everyone at the meeting yesterday, ........... proved very constructive, showed their support for the new stadium.

8. 20th June, Midsummers day, ......... is the longest day of the year, is one of the days on ......... religious leaders called Druids meet and pray at ancient stone circles.

9. The other day ......... Druids gather at their religious sites is Midwinters day, ........ is the shortest day of the year.

10. The town ........... the folk festival is taking place is usually a quiet resort.