Passive Voice 7

1. Under UK equal opportunity laws, an employee .......... against on the grounds of race, religion or gender.

2. The company ....... the advertisement because several viewers .......... that it was offensive.

3. Strict dieting to lose weight ......... only under a physicians care.

4. Are you sure my table ........... by this cleaning fluid?

5. Its our principle that the petrol tank .......... before the rental car ......... to the customer.

6. This morning, the attendant ......... a baby who ......... in an old blanket on the steps of the county hospital.

7. The sailing ship .......... about like a toy by the strong November wind.

8. All of the trees that .......... by the disease ........; otherwise, the problem will spread through the whole orchard.

9. In some states in the USA, prisoners who have received the death sentence ......... by lethal injection, while other states .......... prisoners in an electric chair.

10. Most of the animals which now .......... wild on the island .......... there during the 19th century.