So OR Such


1) I remember his childhood. He was (so/such) a nice boy.

2) This city has become (so/such) crowded that I sometimes feel like I can’t breath.

3) I was (so/such) exhausted that I couldn’t even step.

4) It was (so/such) a great match that I will never forget it.

5) My daughter is (so/such) a thoughtful person that she helps everyone.

6) My boss treats everyone of us (so/such) fair and nice that nobody even thinks about quitting.

7) You are (so/such) a hardworking student that I’m sure you will be so successful.

8) The coat I wanted was (so/such) expensive that I couldn’t afford it.

9) I’m sorry. There was (so/such) a bad traffic jam that the cars were moving like babysteps.

10) The bed in the hotel was (so/such) dirty that I prefered sleeping on the floor.