Present Perfect Tense OR Present Perfect Continuous Tense


1) I'm exhausted!. I (WORK) all day and I (NOT FINISH) yet

2) I (VISIT) many countries over the past few years

3) Someone (TAKE) my books. I (LOOK) for them for ages but I (NOT FIND) them yet

4) I (SHOP) all morning, but I (NOT BUY) anything yet

5) That's one of the best books I ever (READ)

6) A: You're filthy! What you (DO)? B: I (WORK) in the garden?

7) I (LISTEN) to you for the past half an hour, but I'm afraid I (NOT UNDERSTAND) a single word!

8) A: What's the matter?? B: I (READ) in my room for hours, and I've got a headache?

9) I (TRY) to lose weight for ages. I (LOSE) ten pounds so far

10) A: Why is your hair wet? B: I (SWIM)?