Present Perfect Continuous Tense


1) A: Hey! What happened? You look really tired. B: I (work) in the garden for about 4 hours.

2) A: Why are you so sweat? B: I (run) for 2 hours in the forest. I am quite tired but I feel relaxed.

3) I (live) in Istanbul for 20 years, I still couldn't learn all the streets. It's a really big city.

4) How long you (work) for that company?

5) She (writing) this novel for over 3 three years and she still couldn't finish it.

6) I (learning) English since last June but still I can't speak even a word.

7) How long you (wait) for your girlfriend?

8) Joe is very dirty. Because he (play) football in the mud with his friends.

9) I am really bored. I (wait) for the bus for about an hour.

10) Hey! You are all wet. you (run) in the rain?