Conjunctions - Transitions 5

1. ........ the sports center has marvellous facilities, it is usually crowded with sports enthusiasts.

2. Working hours for farmers, .......... the fixed hours of office workers, are irregular and dependent upon the needs of livestock and crops.

3. ......... we scrubbed the floor, ......... obvious it became that a special cleaning fluid would be required to remove the marks.

4. I have heard that he has been doing well.......... he opened his own language school.

5. ......... the way they are portrayed in numerous films and stories as man-eating creatures, only a few species of sharks are known to attack humans.

6. .......... people are more aware of the cruelty of importing exotic animals, dealers are less likely to find buyers for pets such as monkeys and parrots.

7. He had .......... opened the doors of the shop .......... a customer came in and bought all the fresh cream cakes.

8. I like to read my newspaper ......... travelling to work, but I often leave it behind.

9. ......... you have used the photocopier, please dont forget to turn it off.

10. Im worried about him as he went directly to bed ......... hardly touching his dinner.