Adverbs 1

1. His study of the situation covers a great deal of relevant material but does not tackle the real issues _____ enough.

2. He has behaved ____ on many occasions, so this instance of impoliteness is hardly surprising.

3. If he feels he’s being criticised he’ll sometimes make _____ dogmatic statements.

4. The criticism he made concerning the annual fiscal report was ____ to the point.

5. The surgeon was ____ embarrassed to learn that a piece of bandage had been left inside the abdomen.

6. Few, if any, of the statements could be ____ substantiated by concrete experimental evidence.

7. I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, _____ when it came to summing up the case.

8. For the present, the party is expected to put its differences aside and campaign ____ for a victory at the forthcoming elections.

9. Industry has developed rapidly in certain countries as raw materials are ____ available there.

10. The current social security system is ____ popular, partly because its universal and partly because retirement benefits are related to contributions, so most people think the system is fair.